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Presidents Letter
Click here to read the latest newsletter from our society President, Prof S Sellars.
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ENT/SAAA Congress 2010
To view Presentations

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SAHNOS is a society that aims to advance the knowledge of all aspects of Head and Neck Oncology relevant to the treatment, reconstruction and rehabilitation of patients with tumours of the Head and Neck for the benefit of both patients and colleagues.

Sholem Kay

Sholem Kay was born on 23 April 1917 in Bellville. He received his schooling at S.A.C.S. and his medical medical training at the University of Cape Town,
graduating in 1939.
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Annual Event

Date: 18-21 October 2014

Member secure login

Head and Neck Cancer

Cancers of the head and neck are generally taken to mean those of the larynx (voice box), tongue, the mouth, the lips and saliva glands, and the pharynx (throat).

These are relatively common in developing countries where smoking and alcohol abuse are problems, since they are closely associated with both smoking and alcohol use.

They can be devastating cancers, since treatment often results in deformity, and, if of the larynx, loss of the voice. To make matters worse, they are difficult to see and are often not picked up until they are well advanced.


Any person who is a registered medical or dental practitioner within the Republic of South Africa and who is a member of the South African Medical Association and non-SAMA members of allied disciplines, are eligible for membership.
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